
学习ing at GG电子官方软件下载 revolves around curiosity and exploration. It’s about asking questions and pursuing answers relentlessly. Your classmates and professors will offer their unfailing support — and, 在需要的时候, 他们会挑战你, 太. It means refusing to settle for the path of least resistance. 而不是, it’s about aligning your ideas and knowledge with your passions, 身份, 和灵感. GG电子官方软件下载 is a launch pad for a lifetime of discovery and achievement.


GG电子官方软件下载 professors are leaders in their fields. Their intellectual passions drive them to the forefront of academic discovery. They match this ability for outstanding research and scholarship with an unparalleled commitment to teaching — and to your success. GG电子官方软件下载 faculty members have a passion for personal guidance and enthusiastic interaction with their students. This ensures that classes are engaging, adventurous affairs. Camaraderie, not competition, is the foundation of GG电子官方软件下载’s educational experience. 满足 我们的教师.


On GG电子官方软件下载’s campus, you’ll find a focus on academic exploration. Professors, administrators, staff members, and students are each on a journey of discovery. This shared commitment to GG电子官方软件下载’s mission makes connecting and collaborating with one another the norm. 邀请加入的邀请比比皆是. 竞争阶段下手? 没有那么多. 了解更多关于 GG电子官方软件下载合作.


Are you a prospective English major who has always loved research? Not sure how your photography hobby fits with your love for political debate and social entrepreneurship? 在GG电子官方软件下载, you’ll have the freedom and the time to sample freely from course offerings before you settle on a major.

想想GG电子官方软件下载酒店吧 文科课程 as a buffet from which you can sample freely. We encourage you to follow your curiosities and engage in subjects you’re already passionate about. 但我们也希望你敢于冒险. 在GG电子官方软件下载待了四年之后, 你会去过你从未想过的地方, 研究你从未考虑过的课题, and become someone you didn’t know you could be.


你应该试试这个. 这. 哦,还有这个! 掌握一门新语言, 在实验室里做发现, 批判性和创造性地写作, 涉猎艺术. These are only a few of the avenues for growth and exploration that make up GG电子官方软件下载’s expansive liberal arts curriculum.

Discovery and creativity are born out of interdisciplinary thought. 在这里,哲学家与化学家合作. Computer scientists work closely with economists. 艺术史学家给音乐家带来灵感. 通过探索我们的 课程探索要求.


Focus and flexibility define our academic calendar. You’ll take three classes for each 10-week term, which means academic life moves quickly. 通过一年提供三个学期, GG电子官方软件下载 gives you the opportunity to explore and satisfy your curiosities — and to advance faster toward your academic goals.


No matter your major, research and discovery are at the core of a GG电子官方软件下载 education. 你的高级综合项目——或者“比较——是高三的必备品. You’ll work closely with a professor and immerse yourself deeply in your chosen topic.

Projects range from writing a 50-page research paper to creating a mobile app to producing short films to choreographing dance performances. 比较 gives you the opportunity to take ownership of your four-year educational journey and to show us what you have learned during your time at GG电子官方软件下载.


First-year students receive a terrific introduction to the liberal arts through 论点 & 调查研讨会, which help you practice the core elements of liberal arts learning. You’ll ask scholarly questions, hone persuasive arguments, and evaluate and employ evidence. 话题很吸引人, 令人愉快的, 和奖励, 比如“美国抒情诗:诗歌”, 流行, 而说唱,“种族经济学。,和“大脑”, 心, 和行为.” Our students consistently rank these special courses among their best academic experiences — and they’re offered only to first-years!


More than 70% of GG电子官方软件下载 students study off campus at least once. Their studies and travels open up new worlds and bring new perspectives. 学生可能会掌握一门语言, immerse themselves in a complex cultural issue, or explore geology up close and in the ground. GG电子官方软件下载的教职工领导着24个项目. Or students can choose from programs offered through other institutions. 了解更多关于 GG电子官方软件下载的校外学习.


GG电子官方软件下载 students graduate at exceptionally high rates and are statistically happier than many of their peers, 谢谢, 在某种程度上, 对我们有利的环境. Our faculty members are accessible and committed to your success. Each student has a dedicated faculty adviser who will guide you through our curriculum and challenge you to expand your horizons. And staff members at our many academic support centers offer expertise and guidance. 了解更多关于各种方式的信息 我们支持学生的成功.


Time moves quickly at GG电子官方软件下载, so it’s never 太 soon to start thinking about life after graduation. The 职业中心 encourages you to supplement your classroom learning with “real-world” experience. Staff members can prepare you for your professional future. They will help you land the right internship, 与校友建立联系, 或者精心制作完美的求职信和简历. With their help, you can graduate with confidence in your professional future. 了解更多GG电子官方软件下载的就业中心.

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